Wednesday, 27 February 2013

                                             Traditional values vs Modern day living

       Hello all and thank for having a look, i'm not too sure how to start this one so i shall start it here.     
     This is an issue that has been worrying me for quite a long time since i started using the Internet and computers (only 5 years ago) i agree, rather pathetic for a young man of 30, but to be extremely honest i could never be bothered, as i shunned home computer games, I.T lessons at school and the first wave of the Facebook phenomena that seemed to envelope everyone and everything i knew.
   Having a business we must embrace the opportunities that the Internet offers and we would be fools not be on Facebook and Twitter as we gain a lot of business through these sites and meet so many amazing and interesting people. Twitter has proved instrumental in establishing ourselves in our community as a business, but i hate the idea of everything i write, think and talk about being observed by the ever growing 'Big Brother' that seems to be creeping into to everything and nothing that i do.
   I have probably the oldest phone you can get and am always laughed at by the 'in set' staff in the vodafone shop as they cannot understand why i don't want an Iphone or any other life changing device.    
 The truth is that i don't want everyone knowing where i have been, who I'm with, how far i walked, and what i have read, and was told that i was far too old fashioned and get withthe goings on of the modern day, and get on board like everybody else.
 Lydia currently works as a waitress part time at our local pub and constantly comes home amazed that the couple that she served, sat down to dinner, both got their phones out immediately, did not look at her whilst ordering, did not look at each other or talk to each other whilst eating their food, updated their Facebook status as to where they were, a picture of what they have eaten, what they thought about it and rated it on Tripadvisor and then gone home, all without a word to anyone. How much disrespect for someone let alone your partner must you have if your 'internet' world is more interesting to you than your real life? When i was a kid i was informed reading a paper or wearing a hat at the dinner table was considered bad manners, what a world away we are now in
  Just recently we have started talking about having children and i wonder what the world holds for them, but i think with them growing up with this sort of technology it will not be the 'fad' that it is now to so many people and it will be just a general way of living and a general balance will find itself.   
    Please don't get me wrong, i love technology and am constantly amazed by what is invented to make life a more enhanced experience, its just that if the government decided that we had to put all our details of our life onto a database and everything we discussed and did, there would be a national uproar about our civil liberties being breached etc but here we are doing it for free and people are making a profit from it.
 My only point i suppose, and i realise i am being ironic by writing it on my Blog and it being on the Internet (please note i am not ignoring Lydia whilst writing this) is that real life is out there, so many rich experiences await you to be lived through your own two eyes and waiting for a little red notification to say yes, well done, someone has agreed with you and 'liked' what you are saying/thinking means nothing if the person you are sat opposite is feeling neglected, and things may get very dangerous if common sense and balance does not restore the equilibrium of everyday real life living. *End Rant* 

On a brighter side of things we have just got all our flower orders for this summer and a much brighter happier blog is on its way with nice piccies of our new home for the SP and all the hard work we have been putting in is finally starting to pay off! :) sorry to be an old sod but i just had to get that off my chest, hope it was not too heavy for a read x