Monday, 10 October 2011

rails and snails

We have yet again managed to gain the help of our wonderful friends to help us set up both tunnels this saturday of course with the promise of bbq food and beer, well that is the international payment method between friends isn't it?
  When we got married what made it such a wonderful occasion is that every person that came along (over 200 of them) helped with the wedding in some sort of way however big or small. now we have never been the traditional generic couple who would go for the run of the mill things, we had people helping out with making individual food dishes which gave such a wonderful selection to the day, sourcing beer from local breweries,mates in bands playing all through the day and not to mention our great friend ben who held it at his fantastic house. The point im trying to make is that it was a true occasion for everyone involved because it was a real sense of a community with everyone working towards a greater good. We wanted to try and replicate this up at the soul patch as everyone we know always has something to bring to the table however big or small.
  Now if you know me you know i am constantly sifting through skips and trying to recycle things to make a new usable object because i dont see the point of things going to landfill if it can be used by someone else. we are so blessed to have such great friends who i am sure dread my phone-calls saying "hi mate i found this piece of lovely wood, can you help me get it out of this skip"? This weekend we are making the rails for the hanging baskets to hang off in may and building the doors for the tunnels. i tend to have great enthusiasm for  getting a job done so sometimes rush in and make simple mistakes with DIY so having a few knowledgeable heads around me dilutes my eagerness to get the job done quickly! we have also looked into making herbal teas this week after a suggestion from my "ideas guru" sam. he gave me a mint and chili blend which was delicious and as usual this got the old brain box working seeing if we could find a way of growing this organically and reproducing this as another soul patch product. the answer is of course is yes so more investigation needed but we love the idea.
  We have also got to find an organic solution to get rid of all natural pests in the tunnel so we can keep it as bug free as possible. ideas on a postcard please.

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