The Big Plastic Challenge
A most interesting challenge and one very close to our hearts here at The Patch, Transition Stratford's Big plastic challenge is set to commence on Monday the 12th May.
Their aim......Transition Stratford’s Plastic Challenge is simple. In Week One, starting Saturday12 May 2012, we will shop as normal – but collect together every bit of plastic packaging that comes home with the shopping. Keep a note of how much packaging comes into your life.
In Week Two, starting Saturday 19 May 2012, we will aim to avoid as much as possible of the throw-away plastic we brought home in Week 1. To do that, we’ll need to change the way we shop – in particular avoiding single-use plastic packaging. We won’t eliminate the plastic in our lives, but we will see where we can cut back on avoidable plastic and reduce the amount of plastic that just goes to waste.
Now we all recycle these days and from a personal view my recycling bin is brimming with things to be sent off for the council recycling plant and this is a good thing.
For many years landfills and our oceans have been brimming with polythene and polyurethane that takes an awful long time to decompose and sits in the ground or is washed up on our beaches thousands of miles away from its original source, god knows what truly lies beneath all that water but i bet it ain't good!
We think this is is a great idea to get the average joe bloggs to actually realise how much they could avoid even putting in the recycling bins all together, by reusing existing bags, boxes, cartons and the like and take positive steps to saving a bit of mother earth and even save a few quid whilst they are doing it :)
The real problem lies with the plastic that cannot be recycled and it's a surprising amount, from looking on the back of packets of supermarket bought sausages, mushrooms and even trays of salad, it all bears a label of non recyclable....
So if your up for a bit of a lifestyle change, I'm not saying that you have to, or preaching to anyone that doesn't fancy it, but if it turns out that you like buying from the local butchers with zero packaging or from your overly enthusiastic veg chap down the friday market who offers veg, just veg and a paper bag, you might cut down on a little of the non essential plastic and your kitchen bin doesn't need to be emptied three times a day!
See what you think, all the info is on Transition Stratford's page
Or find them on the almighty Facebook and drop them a line
Either way we are fully behind them and if you already have lots of non recyclable trays in your bin, dig them out punch some holes in the bottom of them, add a little compost and grow some salad or herbs in them on your window sill or greenhouse. Easy as you like and tastes great :)
All the best The Soul Patch Soapbox xxx
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