Sunday, 20 May 2012

 Soul Patch Shows

Welcome to the summer! Well not quite yet, as i write this weather reports are telling me that 20 degrees is on the horizon tomorrow so the BBQ is getting a dusting off and scrubbed down and thoughts of home made burgers and sausages are flooding through my mind. 
Our first #SoulPatchShow was last Sunday at the Holy Trinity parish hall and many of our friends and the local community descended on our show, buying baskets, garden veg, slurping freshly pressed apple juice straight from our brand new press and eating their way through loads of lemon drizzle, victoria sponge and of course chocolate cake!
We had great coverage in the form of our local paper The Stratford Herald which got the word out to the masses in the town and of course helped boost sales on the phone. We have been truly humbled by the way people in our community have chosen to buy from us and support us in our first year, and doing these shows we have had a unique opportunity to connect with our customers as growers, advise them, talk about our grand plans and hopefully create a long lasting relationship with them :)
We had special guests Transition Stratford with their stall promoting The Plastic Challenge idea (see previous blog) and beautiful Pashley bicycles (and Ian even managed to flog one!) Judith from Shakespeare's sister soap also brought down her fantastic home made soaps which were a hit with the ladies of the day :)
We were so pleased with our new press and after a serious session of scratting the apples, we had the most delicious tasting juice we, and everyone else that tried it had ever tasted. We are going round the school fetes this year with Freeda the pick up truck decorated to the hilt selling fresh juice and our other produce which we are convinced the kids are going to love.
Pashley bike stand
Tiddington #SoulPatchShow was all together a different vibe as it was just us but we met so many different people yet again all having great ideas about new ways of living, earning money out of the rat race and generally having a better life. We have signed up to do a few more 'pop up' markets this season which seem to be going down a real storm with the general public.
Oh and i also decided that it would probably be best if people knew where we lived so i thought i might make it completely obvious and put up ''a few'' baskets!
And for no other reason than i think 'Salad head' will be the next big thing on the catwalks of Milan i thought i would let you in on Lydias secret.
Hope its as hot as i think its going to be tomorrow and it is where you are and hopefully we can start our Summer. I sure hope so because  i have more than a few camping trips planned this year!!

Much love
The Soul Patch

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